Expert Saleh Saeed AlShaikh

Expert \ Saleh Saeed AlShaikh

: Former Position Worked

Yanbu Refinery as a Safety Officer ( August 10, 1985  –  June 01, 1988)

Yanbu Refinery as acting Safety Forman (June 01, 1988  –  January 01, 1989)

Petromein Rabigh as a Safety Forman (January 01, 1989- October 12, 1998)

Petromein Rabigh as a Safety Supervisor (January 01, 1990  –  October  31, 1992)

Samarec as a Safety Advisor (November 03, 1992  –  June 31, 1994)

Saudi Aramco as Assistant LP Engineer (January 0, 1994  –  June 31, 2002)

Saudi Aramco as a Loss Prevision Advisor (07/01/2002  –  09/30/2008)

Assignment with Petrorabigh as Deputy Safety Section Head (10/01/2008 – 01/31/2010)

At the present Senior Safety Advisor with Saudi Aramco 

:  Major Contributions and accomplishments

Petromein Rabigh Safety procedural development

Conducted Field Focus Surveys to ensure Saudi Aramco Engineering Compliance For the Refinery Structure Fire Proofing, Electrical Substations, Process Facilities Fire Hazardous Zones, electrical area classification, different types of Pressure Relief (PZV’s) & Thermal Expansion Relief Devices, Emergency Isolation Valves (EIV’s) and Emergency Shutdown Devices (ESD’s).

Review Engineering Design Packages for new construction & existing facilities design modification

Present Corporate Safety Training Courses for the Refinery & other support Organizations Employees such as: Work Permit Issuers & Receivers Course, Gas Testing Equipment Course, (H2S) Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Course, Hazardous Recognition Course and Contractors Safety Orientation Sessions

Represent Jeddah Area Loss Prevention Division the LPD-SMC “Safety Management Committee” for Three years

Effectively participated in the preparation activities of RBRD, 2005, 2006, 2007 ,2008 EMSR

Participated in the preparation of Rabigh Refinery major T&I’s through attending coordination meetings, developing and delivering presentations during the safety forum.

Effectively participated in the planned and unplanned safety management walkthroughs

Participated in the incident investigation engineering reviews as team member

Provide field coverage to Yanbu LP

Revisit previous focus surveys related to SAES Safety Compliance to ensure proper implementation

Review and comment Rabigh Refinery Operating Instruction Manuals (RIM’s)

Provide technical support and field coverage for new Petro-Rabigh Tie-Ins, new CDU & Treating Unit pumps installation, G.O plant catalyst replacement, new heat exchangers, HDS Gas Turbine, battery limits EIV’s

Provide technical support and field coverage for Yanbu Refinery major T&I’s through attending coordination meetings, developing and delivering presentations during the safety forum

Certified trainer at the General Organization of Vocational Training

Instructor corporate safety training courses for the Saudi Aramco employees

: such as

Work Permit Issuers & Receivers Course

Gas Testing Equipment Course

(H 2 S) Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Course

Hazardous Recognition Course

Crain Safety Course

Confined Spaces Course Scaffolding Safety Course  

Contractors Safety Orientation Sessions

:  Training History

The following lists illustrate some of the training courses that I attended

Fire and Safety course for a duration of six (6) weeks (full time)

Safety and Loss prevention course for duration five (5) weeks (full time)

Inspector Development Program for duration four (4) months

Supervision courses

Safety Engineer Environmental Control

Industrial Safety Building Course for two weeks

Material Supply Organization’s Chemical Awareness Seminar

Oil Spill Response Training Course for One week

Successful Completion 3-In-1 Gas Monitor Training Corse

3rd Safety & Occupational Health Conference & Exhibition

Essential Of safe Supervision course for one week

Accident Investigation Course by (DNV) for one week

Safety Considerations in Plant Design Course by EXXON one week

Hazards and Risk Assessment in Process Operations Course by EXXON one week

Electrostatic Ignitions of Fires & Explosions prevention Control by American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Work Permit System Program course for one week

Fire and Process Risk team by Chevron

Certified by Saudi Aramco marine Department as a team member of the regional area oil spill response team members

Hazop Team Member course by (DNV)

Certified as a Risk Assessment Team Member by (DNV)

Certified by (DNV) for the Accredited Safety Audit Course

Certified by Saudi Aramco as a Scaffolding Inspector

Certified by SA- Loss Prevention Department as a Safety Instructor

Certified by SA- Loss Prevention Department for the new Safety Management System “SMS”

Fire Investigation by (DNV) at Bahrain

Hazard Identification by (DNV) at Bahrain

What Matters Most Course

7th Professional Develop. Conference & Exhibition at Bahrain. For one week

Other Saudi Aramco HR Online Courses

Nternational Building Code

Other Saudi Aramco mandatory training courses such as Scott Air Pak Breathing Apparatus, First Aid, CPR, Driving Improvement Course, Time Management, Interpersonal Communication…etc

Computer Skill “Good”

Member of ASSE-Middle east chapter

: Projects

Providing field support and consultation during the construction, hot cutover and MCC Phases of BI-3787 “Control System Upgrade”

Provided technical support to RBR overhead fin-fan coolers upgrade project BI-00234

Effectively participated in the MCC walkthroughs of the executed projects at Rabigh Refinery Operation Facilities

Providing field support and coverage for WRDD Additional Capacity Project

Providing field support and coverage for Upgrade Jet Fuel Shipping Facilities at WTDD, NJBP

Providing field support & consultation during the construction of King Abdullah Sport City

Providing field support & consultation during the construction of Jazan Area Projects Program construction site

Effectively participated in the MCC walkthroughs of Jazan Refinery and other Jazan projects programs

: Saudi Aramco Safety management System “SMS”

Partcipated in rolling-out Saudi Aramco corporate Safety management System “SMS.”

Provide technical suport to the proponent in the gap analysis exercies

Provide technical suport to the proponent in Construction Safety Manual

Partcipated in rolling-out Saudi Aramco corporate Construction Safety Manual

Effectively participated in rolling-out newly developed corporate guidelines such as: Supervisor Injury Investigation, Management of Change, Contractors’ Safety Compliance,…etc.

Reviewing the templet processes that developed by the proponent to ensure compliance with the Corporate Guideline

To continue steering our proponents in fully implementing SA SMS expectations

Partcipated in rolling-out Saudi Aramco corporate 2016 Work Permit Bridging Course

: Corporate Safety Campaigns

: Effective participation as LPD representative in the following Corporate Safety Campaigns

Back safety Campaign

GCC Traffice week Campaign

Fall, Slip and Trip Campaign

Tire Safety Campaign

Protection from Hydrogen Sulfide Hazards Campaign

Proper Use of Heavy Equipment Campaign

Personal Protective Equipment Campaign

Outrushed SA Safety Campaign.  Contractor Safety Campaign

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لملاذ الحلول للإستشارات الأمنية

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ملاذ الحلول للإستشارات الامنية

للتواصل مباشر
مكتب ملاذ الحلول للاستشارات الأمنية
نحن ملاذ الحلول للإستشارات والخدمات الأمنية . نفتخر ونهتم بعملائنا، وأهم اولوياتنا تطبيق أفضل وأنسب الحلول والخدمات من خلال الكفاءات السعودية لتحقيق الأهداف الإستراتيجية وضمان الاستدامة، الفاعلية والمرونة بالأعمال المتوافقة مع تحقيق التطلعات المرجوة لعملائنا والمتماشية مع رؤية المملكة 2030