
We are Malath’s solutions for Security Consultancy and Services, our most important priority is to apply the perfect solutions and professional services by Saudi competencies to achieve the strategics goals and ensure sustainability, effectiveness, and flexibility of action in line with achieving the desired aspirations of our clients and the great vision of the kingdom 2030

Our Vision

To be the best in offering Security Consultancy and Services locally and regionally

Our Mission

Offering outstanding valuable security, consultations, and services with added value, providing sustainable security solutions, applying best practices, and achieving the desired aspirations of our clients

Our Values

Integrity - Transparency - Respect - Responsibility


Vision 2030

We look forward through our strategic plans for distinguished security and administrative services and consultations to keep the pace with Kingdom’s great Vision 2030 and to achieve the objectives strategics of our clients at all levels by our high competency local hands

Our services

Security Consultancy
We provide consultants services in the fields of security and human resources through strategic planning in accordance with global, regional, and local standards by our national cadres and competencies
Security Management System Development
Establishing and enhancing the management systems to be more flexible and interconnected that includes policies, standards and procedures to support our clients in achieving their sustainable improvement throughout the Deming Cycle ( Plan- Do - Check -Act )
Security Devices and systems services
We provide through our efficient partners the best services and solutions for security devices and systems with high technical specifications and compatible with the needs of the customers and work environment
Security Risk Assessment
We provide a comprehensive, accurate, and proactive assessment and analysis for any facility or project for our clients, by understanding the customer needs to increase the necessary recommendations to address risks and set priorities. Our security advisors focus on helping clients make the right decisions regarding risk handling (accepting, avoiding, reducing, sharing or transferring), in order to create a robust foundation of asset protection program, facility security plan and have more sustainable business
Crisis Management System Development
Designing and developing a specialized Crisis Management System (CMS),that enables customers to detect warning signals, prepare, prevent , advanced preparation to contain the damage and prevent the aggravation of the crisis to restore activity with learning to prevent its recurrence .CMS can be integrated with the organization's plans such as business continuity and emergency plans
Security Guards Services
Providing an outstanding civil security services that designed to meet our customer needs through our highly efficient partners
Security Development Program
Developing and providing various and comprehensive training courses and programs that are compatible with the needs of our customers according to a scientific and practical methodology that focuses on highlighting the required knowledge , skills, achieving the desired results, acquiring new skills and improving work performance and environment
Security Events and Occasions
Planning and implementing the security and safety of events and occasions to maintain a safe environment through appropriate security plans, which is specifically designed to suit the needs of events and occasions, in line with the goals of the organizers and clients
Security Compliance, Audits and Surveys
Conducting compliance, auditing, and surveys security and administrative for any facility based on a full understanding of the procedures in place at clients sites and then raising the necessary recommendations to address gaps and improve security and administrative procedures and action plans
Security Incident Analysis
Analyzing events, evidence and facts of security incidents using methods and technical tools, identifying root and branch causes, and raising appropriate recommendations to prevent their recurrence

Work Teamعادل-1-1-160x160.png

Engineer Hassan Alshaikh
Chief Executive Officer

Who is Founder and Executive Director of Malath Solutions Security Consultancy Office (MSSC), has more than twenty-eight years of experience in the field of industrial security management ...

Retired Major General Adel Alshaikh

Retired Major General Adil Mohammed Alshaikh , hold’s a Master of Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science in security, specialize in counter- terrorism (stun-snipers-explosives) riot control gases investigation and Research

Engineer Abdussalam Alkhamis

Has various experiences in field of Project Management & Construction Management. He has rich and deep hands-on experience in Project initiation (project charter creation, stakeholder definition & budget estimation), Project Planning

Expert Saeed Alasiri

He has extensive knowledge in the field of security for 33 years, in the Security Department of Saudi Aramco. Included in several functions in security management in several companies. He has many experiences in: weapons

Former Colonel Sultan Alharbi

Experience approximately 24 years with the special forces of the Ministry of Interior. He has a lot of experience in: counter-terrorism, aircraft security, protection of sensitive facilities, dealing with explosives, managing and directing crowds

Engineer Mahmoud Malibari

A graduate from Al-Malak Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) specializes in "Applied Chemical Engineering", then enrolled in SABIC between the Department of Operations and Technical Operations and the Project Department

Expert Saleh AlShaikh

Advisor to the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department , has more than 30 years of experience in the field of oil and gas transferred in several areas to Saudi Aramco facilities to work in the field of refineries, gas and offshore facilities
Extended network of  consultants and experts on diverse fields providing specialized services and consultancy complimenting all client’s needs
Malath Solutions for Security Consultancy

Be a partner in success




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Our Location
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 8326 Prince Muhammad bin Saad bin Abdulaziz Street, Al-Malaqa 3887
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‏All rights reserved to Malath Solutions for Security Consultancy

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ملاذ الحلول للإستشارات الامنية

للتواصل مباشر
مكتب ملاذ الحلول للاستشارات الأمنية
نحن ملاذ الحلول للإستشارات والخدمات الأمنية . نفتخر ونهتم بعملائنا، وأهم اولوياتنا تطبيق أفضل وأنسب الحلول والخدمات من خلال الكفاءات السعودية لتحقيق الأهداف الإستراتيجية وضمان الاستدامة، الفاعلية والمرونة بالأعمال المتوافقة مع تحقيق التطلعات المرجوة لعملائنا والمتماشية مع رؤية المملكة 2030